chemtoolerQuestions(3)Answers(1112)Posts(134)CommentsIf you still need help with this, please write to us directly by filling in the Contact Us form under the "More" menu option. This will send an email to the appropriate person who can assist you immediately.On Why can’t I find a retailer that carries Berryman® 4-Step Professional Air & Fuel System Maintenance KitThis part number was discontinued some time ago. You can purchase a 10oz can on Amazon (part number 0110).On PART # FOR 5.2OZ CHEMTOOL OR WHO SELL THE 5.2 OZ SPRAY CANThe standard shelf life for our fuel additives is 2 years, but they can last up to 5 years.On diesel-injector-cleanerGood morning, and thanks for your interest. When it comes to the chemistry of the formulas in question, I encourage you to compare the SDSs. Berryman INTAKE VALVE & COMBUSTION CHAMBER CLEANER (part #2611) lists three different active ingredients in very serviceable quantities and is the strongest of the group. At 16 oz, 2611 is also the largest of the offerings.Additionally, 2611 has the only universal application system. Every other brand can only be applied either through a closed air-intake system or through the vacuum induction system. Regarding the latter, there is, of course, no shortage of vehicles without a PCV valve or that have a vacuum system that is only managed by one cylinder. In such a case, the cleaner is only sent to that one cylinder and the rest of the engine stays dirty. By contrast, 2611 can slip in under the air boot or go in through the vacuum system—whichever is more accessible and suitable for the vehicle. Thus, it is truly universal for 99% of fuel-injected gas engines.As for how long a vehicle owner can/should go between cleanings, that is a seemingly simple-sounding question but with no great answer. As you know, every GDI engine is designed a little differently, and some engines build up deposits much more quickly than others. Some cars will benefit greatly from service every 10 or 12K miles, while others can go twice as long or even longer before needing such service. Unfortunately, "it all depends."Take a look at our how-to video for 2611 or 2640 and see what you think. Both are easy to apply and very effective at deposit removal. If you choose to try one out, I think you'll be pleased with the ease of use and cleaning performance.On how-often-should-i-use-the-2611-kitYes, you can use the Berryman B-12 Chemtool Fuel Injector Cleaner (Part #0116) in your lawn mower at a ratio of 1oz per gallon of fuel.On can-i-use-this-to-clean-up-the-fuel-system-in-small-engine-lawn-mowersOkay, I see what you did thereOn Private: This is a testCrop