Can you explain the difference in these two products and why I might want to use one versus the other? I guess I'm asking for a "typical" use scenario.
3 Answers
Berryman B-12 Chemtool Total Fuel System Clean-Up (part #2616) is our most powerful detergent-based gasoline fuel additive and is effective on cleaning gum and varnish from the whole fuel system, fuel injectors, carburetor(s), intake valves, and combustion chambers. Berryman B-12 Motor Tune-Up (part #0316) has broader applications (not unlike Seafoam’s Motor Treatment), including gas and diesel suitability, injector and intake valve cleaning, fuel stabilization, and combustion chamber cleaning.
Great, thank you. Can you give me an example of, under what circumstances, when you might use each product and at what interval?
Berryman B-12 Chemtool Total Fuel System Clean-Up (part # 2616) is intended only to be added to your gas tank and is extremely effective at cleaning the entire fuel system—from the gas tank all the way to the combustion chambers. This is our strong gasoline fuel additive. If you have dirty injectors, spark knock/ping, or haven’t run a high-quality fuel additive in quite some time, this is the product you should be looking at. It has a typical use interval of 3,000 miles.
On the other hand B-12 Motor Tune-Up (part #0316) is very robust and can be used not only in the fuel tank for injector cleaning, upper cylinder lubrication, and fuel stabilization but also in the crankcase for deposit cleaning and water removal as well as via manifold vacuum induction (through either the PCV valve or brake booster) for combustion chamber cleaning. Your desired application and your maintenance habits will dictate how often you should use this particular product.
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